[Posted just prior to the 14th of Elul as it is nearly Shabbat.]

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I read somewhere that one should go to sleep knowing more than she did when she woke up.
(I wish I could remember who said that.)
I feel so lucky to live at a time when all of the world’s knowledge is available to me.
I am not restricted by my gender.
Or location.
Or religion.
Or nationality.
It is all there for the taking. And to not take advantage of it, is to refuse all of the marvelous parts of God’s Creation. If God imbued me with intelligence, mustn’t I use it?
What did you learn today?
#BlogElul is a monthlong exploration of themes pertaining to the High Holy Days. Created by R’ Phyllis Sommer, the #BlogElul #ElulGram project allows participants to delve into topics as a way of preparing for the season.
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